He is Joaquin de Quiroz on Telemundo’s popular Betty En New York, dishy soap opera
By Elia Esparza
The popular Spanish actor, Bernard Bullen, crossed the pond in 2013, and hit the ground running, and hasn’t stopped since. He chose to head to Hollywood once he felt confident he had racked up impressive acting credits. He made sure that before moving to Tinseltown, he had equipped himself with a solid global background and experience on stage, TV, and film.
And, we all know Hollywood is no place for one-trick ponies. Bullen couldn’t just have acting experience in one area of entertainment, it had to encompass all mediums. And for those who possess the extra talent perks like having a voice that sings like an angelic canary or dance with the agility and grace of a swan or an eagle who flaps its wings with flawless dignity, yeah sounds corny but it’s true; and it doesn’t hurt if you also happen to know some big shot in the industry or someone who does, then by all means, come on down!
In the Latino actor category, we’ve had some amazing cross-over successes– Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Eugenio Derbez, Kate del Castillo, William Levy, Maria Conchita Alonso, Emiliano Diez, Gabriel Soto, Ana de la Reguera, Patricia Manterola, Carlos Ponce, and on and on countless number of actors who have succeeded. So it is with great pleasure when Latin Heat has the opportunity to interview one of those actors who is steadily building up his credits in the U.S.A. Currently, Bullen aka Joaquin de Quiroz on Telemundo’s hit Betty En New York, and what a talent he is!

LatinHeat: Congratulations on your delicious character on Betty En New York! Tell us about how you got the part — was it written for you or did you have to audition?
Bernard Bullen: Thanks so much! Like just about everyone else, I auditioned for the part. I was in the middle of moving out of my apartment, and suddenly my agent calls me one night and tells me that Telemundo is interested in me for this part. Apparently, they had seen previous work were very specific in who they wanted… the character, like myself, is from Spain. I was at the right moment at the right time. I had to send a beautiful monologue talking about love– the essence and soul of Joaquin. I loved it so much. I went for it and two days later, I was I had been cast!
LH: Tell us about your Betty En New York character, Joaquin de Quiroz. We’re loving the new take of the original Betty The Ugly!
BB: Joaquin is a man with a good heart, He is passionate and a creator of all things beautiful. He’s a world-famous fashion designer from Spain, famous for his eccentricities and his wildlife. He is at a turning point in his life, where he’s looking for something deeper than the superficial outer look of beauty. He was searching for depth– heart and soul. He is in great need to escape from his demons and past questionable actions that nearly cost him his daughter’s life. So he tries to start over in Miami, where he meets Betty– someone that for the first time in his life, doesn’t want anything from him. Betty gives him a genuine friendship that melts his heart.
LH: From your credits, we see you’ve been on various American shows. Has it been hard for you to crossover into Hollywood? What have been some challenges you’ve encountered?
BB: I lived in London six years before I moved to Los Angeles, and I came here twice for short visits before I made the permanent move. Hollywood is a place that you have to come and visit before you move to see if it’s for you. Once you make the decision you got to be prepared to work hard and know very well what it is you want. You have to adapt to the way of working without judging. If you are focused and you work hard, things happen. Hollywood is full of opportunities. You just have to be patient and make them happen!

LH: Working on English-language shows versus Spanish-language, how different is the work on sets and worth ethics between the U.S. and Spain or Mexico? Have you found any big differences?
BB: At the end of the day it’s not so different. It’s about you adapting to a different setting or environment. Working in English and in Spanish it’s different. I mean, there are two different cultures and that makes it different, especially when you are expressing a feeling or an action. But then when on a TV or film set, it doesn’t change that much because when the director says, ‘ACTION’ at that precise moment, the magic happens and that magic is the same worldwide.
LH: Who amongst the American actors you’ve worked with standout and you’d love to work with them again?
BB: Bradley Cooper. He is such a nice guy, and a very supportive colleague– generous and with great energy.
LH: How exciting you’ll be working on a new Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian — how did you land this role? And can you talk a bit about your role?
BB: Yes, I’m super excited about this one! The casting gig came as a total surprise. At the end of last year, my agent told me that they were interested in me for a role in the huge Disney production, which they didn’t name. I didn’t know the name of the show until after I had booked the job, and I just couldn’t believe it! I can’t say too much because the show doesn’t premiere until November.
All, I can say is that I will be playing the father of the lead, Pedro Pascal, and flashbacks when he is a little boy. I was filming for several days in one of the most amazing sets I have ever been to. It took me back to my childhood when I used to watch Star Wars. And I never thought in my wildest dreams that one day I’d be one of those sets. I’m still pinching myself… I’m so excited!
LH: You started your acting career in the theater — is this a medium you look forward to working on in the U.S.?
BB: Theater will always be part of my acting career and it still is. I will be working on a new version of The Diary of Anne Frank, directed by Stan Zimmerman here in Hollywood, coming in October and I cannot wait.
LH: You’re half Spanish and half Brit — which of these two cultures do you most identify with and why?
BB: That’s a difficult one to answer because that has varied depending on my life, my age and where I was living. They are so different and at the same time so important in me. I was born and raised in Spain, so probably Spain is a lot more rooted in me, but here in Los Angeles because so many of my friends are Brits, I realize how much Brit is in me and how much I miss London.

LH: How important has been bilingual been in your life?
BB: It’s been everything to me. I always knew that being bilingual would do great things for me, and that’s why I’ve always cherished and respected this skill and have always kept it close to my heart. Always in my life, I’ve spoken both languages. I knew that I would end up living in London at some point, and I did. And I knew that being bilingual will help me in my career as an actor and I made that happen. Being bilingual has afforded me the ability to easily speak with accents and different languages. It’s funny that in my current role as Joaquin in Betty En New York, I’m able to speak with my natural Spanish accent. But, no doubt, being bilingual is an asset to my acting career.
LH: What do you hope to be doing in 5 years?
BB: I just hope things continue going as they are now, and that I am blessed to be working in what I love, no matter where I am or with who. I just want to interpret interesting characters and partaking in exceptional productions.
LH: Off of work and your career as an actor, what are your other passions that drive your life?
BB: I’m Spanish en Mediterranean, so I’m a foodie. I love to eat, and go out for dinner, travel, explore new cities and cultures! I love nature and go hiking and love the beach! We have a beautiful planet and full of amazing places to enjoy. I also love animals… I’m a big pro-animal rights activist!
Bullen recent work can be seen in ¡He Matado a mi Marido! which stars Maria Conchita Alonso and which just received a nomination for the 2019 Imagen Award..
Thank you, Bernard!
Bullen is repped by Mark Jermin Management (London), RDR Management, and Reyes Entertainment (Publicist).
Follow him on social media:
Twitter: @BernardBullen