By Elia Esparza
Actress/Filmmaker/Holistic Advocate Lourdes Reynolds (Colon) and her husband, Producer Chris LaVoy, got the greenlight to start production on Option C, a film being made through their Starangel Film Productions.
CLICK HERE to read our LH interview for film details
Since surviving her own cancer trauma and almost dying a few times, Reynolds has become a well-known advocate and spokesperson for natural cure treatments (holistic) to remove the toxicity poisoning our bodies and to cure ourselves by eating a 100% plant-based diet.
When asked about how she rid herself of the cancer, she said, “I got rid of almost all my cancer when I allowed myself to do things I knew were going to spread it so I could show others how to avoid it.”
“That very thing took my health down to nearly a week left to live,” she continued. “I went to Mexico and knocked out the cancer naturally in three weeks!”
Did she do this without chemo?
“Not exactly. At this point I had an opening in my chest cavity that had me drowning from the inside out and was going to cause my death,” Reynolds told us. “The next step was to not let the medical establish here in the states know I no longer had cancer so that I could get chemo to scar my inside to seal the chest cavity that the doctor in Mexico explained chemo would do.”

I pressed on for more info because by now, I had more questions:
LH: You’re a health/diet advocate, favoring plant based diets, what are some of the problems or doubts you confront in trying to convince people to change their eating habits?
LR: I never want to force my way of life on anyone but if someone comes to me with a health issue or wanting to improve their eating habits I share with them the things I have learned and recipes I use. One of the things I get asked a lot is where will they get the protein from if going vegan. It is some times hard for many to understand that everything in plant-based foods (vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and so on) all have protein.
LH: How do you convince people they don’t need to eat animals for protein?
LR: I give them the example of animals of how they don’t eat other animals like cows, elephants, horses and so forth are very strong animals and they don’t lack protein because they are getting what they need from their vegan lifestyle.
Another one is taste. Many times people feel a change in diet will lack taste. I always recommend natural spices—those we get them from earth—not only are they healthy for us, they provide delicious taste.
And the biggest thing is that many can’t believe that food is our medicine. Our bodies know exactly what to do with healthy plant-based foods. When we eat fast foods, artificial anything and processed foods our bodies start to breakdown because we aren’t giving it enough of the vitamins, minerals, nutrients that come from plant-based foods. So getting someone to get off the habit we have had all our lives is probably the hardest thing to do. But once you get the rhythm of it you wonder how you didn’t change this a long time ago.
… food is our medicine.
LH: How much push back have you received from western doctors and pharma industry?
LR: Wow do we have that much time and space for this? Well, all I can say is that I have been in some serious situations that required for the doctors to stop and listen to what makes sense outside of prescriptions and listen to what I was saying. In every instance after long arguments and my persistence they finally come around but not because they have finally seen my ways, but mostly because of my big mouth and lawsuits I would threaten. Then after they listen and I am right on with what I had said proved true and improved a health situation, I don’t even get a thank you.
There was only one doctor who actually emailed me and thanked me personally and said ‘Thank you. We don’t get taught this in medical schools’
What I hope is that one day soon they [medical community] will see this better way of treating things like cancer without destroying the patient and understand that prescription medicines have their place. Pharmaceuticals really should be used in acute situations like car accidents, heart attacks and so on. And, doing things together, we can actually improve and save lives.
Now, I do want to express that there are doctors out there that do actually do both natural and prescription when needed for a short time but that is the exception not the rule.
LH: What do you hope your legacy will be?
LR: I hope my legacy will be not just to be known as a great actress but a humanitarian that inspired others to no longer fear cancer and to make a stand for what they believe in.
Lourdes Reynolds (Colon)’s Master Cleanse Interview:
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