Latin Heat

Viral Attack on Mexicans Called Out by MACEF

Racism Toward Mexicans on the Rise — Ignored by Media

By Elia Esparza

The Mexican-American Cultural Education Foundation (MACEF), a non-profit corporation whose mission is educating the community about the rich cultural contributions of the Mexican-American community to this country. Recently, MACEF is expressing their deep disapproval over CBS2/KCAL9 April 27, 2020 coverage of the recent disgusting attacks targeting Mexican vendors. 

To view the news report, CLICK HERE.

In MACEF’s complaint to two local Los Angeles CBS/KCAL channels, claim:

Your on-air report and website mentions, “The suspects were reportedly driving around near Florence Avenue and Central Avenue, asking people to come to the car before throwing eggs at them.”

We are disturbed by your lack of reporting that this was a racially motivated attack. The attacks were not targeting “people,” as you show on your report, the attackers were targeting “Mexicans” as the attackers posted on TikTok. Others on the same media platform, like “brownskinae” asking the attacker to “Get the Mexican that sell fruit onna 9 next”[sic] and ‘yeahthatsrobyn” call out “WETBACKs” 

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